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NUMECA.FINE.OPEN.31.2软件 破解文件Numeca FINE/Open这么牛x的软件,不好解释了,直接用英文吧,fine_open_31_2.isz怎么打开?用虚拟光驱来驱动哦,亲 会用到这个软件的人,英文肯定很好,嘿嘿,不翻译了 NUMECA International, leading developer and provider of CFD software systems for the multi-physics design simulation and optimization of industrial products and processes, has released an update to NUMECA FINE/Open 3.1, a powerful CFD Flow Integrated Environment dedicated to complex internal and external flows.
FINE/Open with OpenLabs combines completely unstructured hexahedral grids with an efficient preconditioned compressible solver with fast agglomerated multigrid acceleration and adaptation techniques. This makes the product unique in the CFD community.
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